Monday, March 3rd

 Mar 3, 2025

Attention Powell Students: We have seen an increase in concerning student behavior with substitute teachers. Guest teachers will now have the opportunity to write referrals for poor behavior choices. When your class has a substitute, please remember to represent yourself, your teachers, and Powell in a positive way. 

This week is National School Social Workers Week! Be sure to thank Ms. Perry when you see her this week for all the hard work she does to help our school!

Student council members will have another meeting this Wednesday as we get ready for the spirit assembly.  Please meet in room 3040 at 8:30.  

If you are a part of the spirit assembly please and you received a release form, please return it by Wednesday to Mrs. Marshall or Mrs. Sheets

Attention techies! If you were selected to be on our tech crew for the play, your first rehearsal is today. Make plans to be on the stage after school from 3:35-4:45. Also look at the full rehearsal schedule on the call board door like you were asked to do during your interview. 

The first round of donations for our Pennies for Patients drive have been counted.  We have already collected almost 8000 pennies in our first round and we still have a week to go.  Keep those donations coming!

The first round winner is Ms. Boehmler’s CORE+.  Congratulations!  Boxes will be collected tomorrow, Tuesday March 4th, as well as Monday March 10th.  Teachers: Check your inbox for access to the master document with the totals of each CORE Plus class. 

Friday, February 28th

 Feb 28, 2025

Today is the big day - the movie afternoon featuring “Safety” beginning at 3:45.  We hope to see you there! Bring your backpacks to the cafeteria with you, as you will not be able to return to your lockers after the movie. Also, once you leave the building, you will not be let back in. Please be sure your ride is here at 5:45 to pick you up.

Check your pockets, dive between the sofa cushions and empty out the cupholders!  Pennies for Patients boxes will be collected TODAY and counted to determine our first winner of the competition.  We still have 4 more days next week to bring in your donations to help your CORE+ or sabotage other CORE Plus classes.  

All donations will support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS).  LLS was started more than 70 years ago and has donated more than $1.3 billion towards cancer research.  Thank you for your support and let’s continue to bring in those donations next week to help your CORE+.  

Thursday, February 27th

 Feb 27, 2025

One more reminder that we will be holding Basketball Club tomorrow morning!  Get your rest tonight so you can wake up bright and early tomorrow morning!  

The weather looks great today! Hope you can join us for Soccer Club on the Field after school!

Glee Club is after school in the choir room!

There is no Dungeons and Dragons or Photography after school.

Wednesday, February 26th

Feb 26, 2025

7th grade girls volleyball starts today!! Please meet your coaches in the gym after school today, dressed and ready to play by 3:40!! 

Did someone say movie afternoon?? On Friday, Powell will be hosting our movie afternoon, featuring “Safety”. The movie begins at 3:45. Concessions will be available and all proceeds go toward the Thespian Troupe. Turn in your CORE cards TODAY in order to have a chance at winning VIP seats and benefits. Looking forward to seeing you there! Please be sure your ride is here at 5:45 to pick you up.

Hey Pumas, today is the last day to sign up for the Spirit Assembly.  Please sign up in access if you have a chance.

The weather looks great tomorrow! Hope you can join us for Soccer Club on the Field after school tomorrow!

Basketball Club is a go this Friday morning!  We’ve had two weeks off, so it’s time to get back on the court.  Doors open at 7:10, see you in the gym! 

Last night our 8th grade girls played their first volleyball game of the season against Newton! A team started the night off strong with a win in 2 sets! Serving was strong from all of the girls and Kendall Helm, Elliott Price, and Haley Crozier all had a couple great kills to get us points we needed.

B team unfortunately ended in a loss, but fought hard in the second set. Cora Parry had multiple serves that helped the team and Gemma Strouse was able to get some really great digs!

C team went to 3 games last night and also ended in a loss, but are really showing determination. After being down 15 to 0 in the first set and coming back for the win, they played 2 more games and went into extra points in the 3rd set, unfortunately just barely losing!

Great job to all 3 of our teams last night, we are so excited for the rest of the season!

Glee Club is tomorrow after school in the choir room! Please practice the songs before we see you tomorrow! For more information please see Ms.Bates and Mrs.Martinez

To be read by NJHS Students:

Pennies for Patients is underway!  If you haven’t already, find those pennies and add them to your CORE+ teacher’s box.  Remember all donations will go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) to support cancer patients and cancer research.  Don’t forget that you can also sabotage other CORE+ boxes with other coins and bills that are not pennies.  The competition will run through next Thursday, March 6th, but the first round of counting will take place THIS FRIDAY.  Boxes will be emptied and counted and the CORE+ class with the most positive points this Friday will earn a prize.  Thank you for your support!


Monday, February 24th


Feb 24, 2025

7th grade girls volleyball is starting this week on Wednesday!!! Please turn in your paperwork to the main office prior to Wednesday’s practice!

This Friday is our movie afternoon! Bring your family and friends and enjoy a late afternoon in, watching “Safety” on the big screen. Be sure to turn in those CORE cards in order to have a chance at winning VIP seats and benefits. There is a special collection box for these in the main office. Remember, the movie begins at 3:45. We can’t wait to see you there! 

8th grade boys basketball players, don’t forget to wash your uniform and bring it to school tomorrow!  Bring it to Mrs. Marshall’s room after school and stay for some yummy treats.  See either of your coaches with any questions.  

Magic: The Gathering will meet today after school. 

PRIDE Leaders: Our next activity with the sixth graders will take place during CORE Plus next week. Mrs. Blake will hold two training sessions during lunch today and tomorrow. Please make arrangements to attend one of these times. If you are unable to attend, please let Mrs. Blake know so that you can receive the training at another time. Always remember… Be the PRIDE Leader today you want to be remembered in two years! 

Student Council will have their next meeting this Wednesday at 8:30 in room 3040

And now and announcement from Student Council and the Spirit Assembly

Hello Pumas, Student Council is excited to announce that we will be having a Spirit Assembly on Thursday, March 13th during our Core Plus time.  If you would like to participate in the assembly please go to Powell’s Website and click on the link to sign up to be part of the cheer team, the obstacle course, the song competition or the roly poly activity.  Please sign up by this Wednesday’s access.  

Tomorrow is the day!  Due to the snow day on Friday, we will deliver boxes to CORE+ classes today and start the Pennies for Patients Competition.  The goal is for your CORE Plus to get the most positive points in your box.  The competition will run through next Thursday, March 6th.  xs

Glee Club is tomorrow after school in the choir room! We will start our songs!

Tuesday, February 25th

 Feb 25, 2025

7th grade girls volleyball is starting tomorrow!!! Please have your paperwork turned in to the main office prior to practice beginning, preferably before school or during lunch. See you at 3:40!

Battle of the Books is today after school!  See you there!!

8th grade volleyball season opens today! Let’s pack the gym as we welcome the Newton Knights after school today. Good luck, ladies!

8th grade boys basketball players, stop by Mrs. Marshall’s room after school today to turn in your uniform and enjoy some snacks as we celebrate our season together.  It’s a great way to pass the time before you head down to support our girls volleyball team today!  

Glee club is today after school in the choir room! It is not too late to join us!

PRIDE Leaders: Our next activity with the sixth graders will take place during CORE Plus next week. Mrs. Blake will hold one last training session today at lunch. If you are unable to attend, please let Mrs. Blake know so that you can receive the training at another time. Always remember… Be the PRIDE Leader today you want to be remembered in two years! 

Student Council will have their next meeting this Wednesday at 8:30 in room 3040

And now and announcement from Student Council and the Spirit Assembly

Hello Pumas, Student Council is excited to announce that we will be having a Spirit Assembly on Thursday, March 13th during our Core Plus time.  If you would like to participate in the assembly please go to Powell’s Website and click on the link to sign up to be part of the cheer team, the obstacle course, the song competition or the roly poly activity.  Please sign up by this Wednesday’s access.  

Friday, February 21st

 Feb 21, 2025

Next week we will hold a special CORE card drawing for VIP access to our Movie Afternoon.  One lucky winner will win VIP access to the VIP Lounge for themselves and three friends along with popcorn, soda, and candy.  A second lucky winner will win VIP snacks of soda and candy.  Get your CORE cards in!  The drawing will be held on Wednesday, February 26.  There is a special collection box for this drawing in the main office.  

Attention 7th Grade Volleyball Girls! We have less than a week until our first practice!! Keep getting that paperwork in and fees paid to Ms. Cook in the main office. All items must be turned in before practice on the 26th. 

8th grade boys basketball players, mark your calendars for our end of season celebration and uniform turn in date.  This will take place on Tuesday after school in Mrs. Marshall’s room.  Be sure to wash your jersey over the weekend!  We will turn in our uniforms, enjoy some snacks and reflect on our season.  See you Tuesday!

Magic: The Gathering will meet after school next Monday. Set your deck, refine your strategy, and join us in Mrs. Blake’s room for some fantastic competition!

PRIDE Leaders: Our next activity with the sixth graders will take place during CORE Plus next week. Mrs. Blake will hold two training sessions during lunch on Monday and Tuesday. Please make arrangements to attend one of these times. If you are unable to attend, please let Mrs. Blake know so that you can receive the training at another time. Always remember… Be the PRIDE Leader today you want to be remembered in two years!