Tuesday, September 3rd

Tuesday, September 3rd

8th graders - this one is for you...

Your 8th Grade Panoramic Pictures will be taken on Monday, September 9th at 3:00 PM (next Monday) in the gym. Remember - this is the ONLY time pictures will be taken of your whole 8th grade class, so DON'T MISS OUT! You only have one chance to be a part of this special event, so BE THERE on Monday, September 9th at 3:00 PM

The countdown is at two days... Magic: The Gathering Club will have its first meeting of the year this Thursday, September 5. We will meet in Mrs. Blake's room (1068) after school. Please make sure you have a ride home at 5:00.

Greetings Pumas! Do you want to be featured in The Prowl's award winning yearbook? Then submit SUMMER photos of you and your friends and family to Ms. Manculich at ymanculich@lps.k12.co.us

We prefer active, candid shots! Please submit photos in .jpg format and as attachments to your email. Also, include background information about your photos answering the questions: who, what, when, and why. Don't miss this opportunity to be featured the 2020 The Prowl yearbook.

Looking for something to do on Friday, September 6th? Grab your friends and family and join us at Powell for our 4th annual community kickball tournament. Watch or play in the kickball tournament, play lawn games, or get your fresh tacos and shaved ice from the food trucks. Pizza will also be served for $1.00 per slice. Packets to sign up your team for the kickball tournament can be found with Ms. Durbin in the attendance office. There is a limited number of teams that can participate in the tournament. Therefore the first 18 teams to return their completed sign up packets will be entered to compete. However, there is something for everyone to enjoy at this event. Don’t miss it!!

7th and 8th Grade G/T Students have received an email about their ALPs. Mrs. Erickson, the G/T Facilitator, wants you to find that email about joining the G/T Google Classroom and complete the ALP Questionnaire. It only takes about 10 minutes to join Google classroom and take the questionnaire. Students who complete the questionnaire by the end of the day, Tuesday, September 3rd will be entered into a drawing for a gift card.