Tuesday, October 20th

8th graders:

Arapahoe High School has a 2-night Virtual Freshman Showcase on November 10th and 11th from 6-8:00. Visit the AHS website to RSVP for the event.

Spirit Week will be next week. Our themes will be: Monday/Tuesday is Retro or Decades day. Wear clothes from years gone by. Wednesday is Crazy hair day. Make it crazy for your google meet remote classes. Thursday/Friday is the Halloween theme. Wear your orange/white/black. You may wear school-appropriate costumes, without weapons, masks, makeup, face paint, or wigs. You will still be required to wear your face mask.

Congratulations to Powell's student council board members:

President: Isabella Brandberg

Vice President: Caiden Drier

Treasurer: Michael Caranna