Jan 24, 2025
Magic: The Gathering will meet after school on Monday in Mrs. Blake’s room. All levels of experience are welcome! Bring your plainswalker and join the fun!
Our eSports Club is having one more tryout day Wednesday, January 29 after school. Students that wish to try out must have a signed permission slip. Please see Ms. Boehmler or Mr. Altena to receive a permission slip or if you have any questions.
All first semester woods students in 7th and 8th grade, please stop by the wood shop to pick up your completed projects. Please do this before January 31.
Attention NJHS Students. We are in need of about 5 students to be on our leadership team for Pennies for Patients. Please email Mrs. Donda if you are interested.
Unified registration has closed! Thank you to everyone who applied to be a partner. You will receive an email from Ms. Massie by Friday afternoon with additional information. Our first practice is Thursday after school next week! Can’t wait to see you there!
In case you missed it, your 8th grade boys basketball teams played in 3 exciting games last night against the Newton Knights. Davin Scholl dominated the game with 10 points, 12 rebounds and 7 steals while Jacob Carey and Ethan Van Gemert each added 4 steals to their 3 point buckets. The A team came away with a big victory against our rival school. B team played hard all game, but came up short. Leo Jurbala led the team with 9 points - including 2 big 3 pointers! Blake Matney and Henry Huggins were big on the boards and Justin Arnold led the team in steals. Our C team had a big comeback in the last 2 minutes, but it wasn’t enough to pull off the win. Dylan Renner was on fire scoring 10 points and hustling for 4 steals. Jackson Kennedy was all over the rebounds. Great games by all our Pumas last night!