Wednesday, May 10

Wednesday, May 10

Congratulations to our nine Battle of the Books qualifiers in the District Competition at Euclid yesterday.

After 2-3 regulation rounds and a one-minute lightning round with EXTREMELY detailed questions from 12 different books, our very own Bookworms Junior team took FIRST PLACE with a total of 36 points! Congratulations to Ellie Milbrath, Pranav Satish Kumar, Emme Smith, Addi Bow, and Payton Steepleton!

Not to be outdone, our original Bookworms team of Grant Brandberg, Olivia Cherney, Jackson Machado, and Adam Thurmond tied for THIRD PLACE with a total of 32 points!

Special thanks to staff members Mrs. Enley, Mrs. Cherney, and Mrs. Thurmond as well as all of the additional parents and families who came to cheer on our Pumas. We are so proud of these students and all of their hard work!

For those of you who have asked if we are going to do Battle of the Books again next year, the answer is absolutely YES! We now have a title to defend! Please watch for more information next Fall, and see Mrs. Jordan if you have questions.