Thursday, November 21

 Nov 21, 2024

TSA is canceled on Thursday. Please use the time between now and our next TSA meeting to work on design portfolios for your events.

Magic: The Gathering will meet the Monday after Thanksgiving Break. Set a reminder to bring your deck and join the friendly competition in Mrs. Blake’s room after school on Monday, December 2.

Our Canned Food Drive was a huge success yesterday!  Together we collected 687 items of food along with 176 pairs of mittens.  Thank you so much for your generosity Pumas!  We will be helping to feed 286 families this Friday.  Congratulations to the following 3 students who won some Powell Swag for bringing in over 5 items: In 6th grade, Kaylin Behmke; in 7th grade, Demetri Orr; and in 8th grade, TJ Chavers.  We have a smaller prize for the following students: from 6th grade: Lexa Pressley, Miles Waangard, Grace White, Mikaela Demasters and Arizona Myers.  From 7th grade: Reece Muller, Tate Kehoe, Hudson Reger, Terrin Reed and Izzy Kolberg.  From 8th grade Isaiah Gerak.  Please see Mrs. Sheets or Mrs. Marshall for your prize.  

Don’t forget!  Photography club’s first meeting is  in Mrs. Budden’s room 2688 today after school..  See you there!