Friday, February 28th

 Feb 28, 2025

Today is the big day - the movie afternoon featuring “Safety” beginning at 3:45.  We hope to see you there! Bring your backpacks to the cafeteria with you, as you will not be able to return to your lockers after the movie. Also, once you leave the building, you will not be let back in. Please be sure your ride is here at 5:45 to pick you up.

Check your pockets, dive between the sofa cushions and empty out the cupholders!  Pennies for Patients boxes will be collected TODAY and counted to determine our first winner of the competition.  We still have 4 more days next week to bring in your donations to help your CORE+ or sabotage other CORE Plus classes.  

All donations will support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS).  LLS was started more than 70 years ago and has donated more than $1.3 billion towards cancer research.  Thank you for your support and let’s continue to bring in those donations next week to help your CORE+.  

Thursday, February 27th

 Feb 27, 2025

One more reminder that we will be holding Basketball Club tomorrow morning!  Get your rest tonight so you can wake up bright and early tomorrow morning!  

The weather looks great today! Hope you can join us for Soccer Club on the Field after school!

Glee Club is after school in the choir room!

There is no Dungeons and Dragons or Photography after school.

Wednesday, February 26th

Feb 26, 2025

7th grade girls volleyball starts today!! Please meet your coaches in the gym after school today, dressed and ready to play by 3:40!! 

Did someone say movie afternoon?? On Friday, Powell will be hosting our movie afternoon, featuring “Safety”. The movie begins at 3:45. Concessions will be available and all proceeds go toward the Thespian Troupe. Turn in your CORE cards TODAY in order to have a chance at winning VIP seats and benefits. Looking forward to seeing you there! Please be sure your ride is here at 5:45 to pick you up.

Hey Pumas, today is the last day to sign up for the Spirit Assembly.  Please sign up in access if you have a chance.

The weather looks great tomorrow! Hope you can join us for Soccer Club on the Field after school tomorrow!

Basketball Club is a go this Friday morning!  We’ve had two weeks off, so it’s time to get back on the court.  Doors open at 7:10, see you in the gym! 

Last night our 8th grade girls played their first volleyball game of the season against Newton! A team started the night off strong with a win in 2 sets! Serving was strong from all of the girls and Kendall Helm, Elliott Price, and Haley Crozier all had a couple great kills to get us points we needed.

B team unfortunately ended in a loss, but fought hard in the second set. Cora Parry had multiple serves that helped the team and Gemma Strouse was able to get some really great digs!

C team went to 3 games last night and also ended in a loss, but are really showing determination. After being down 15 to 0 in the first set and coming back for the win, they played 2 more games and went into extra points in the 3rd set, unfortunately just barely losing!

Great job to all 3 of our teams last night, we are so excited for the rest of the season!

Glee Club is tomorrow after school in the choir room! Please practice the songs before we see you tomorrow! For more information please see Ms.Bates and Mrs.Martinez

To be read by NJHS Students:

Pennies for Patients is underway!  If you haven’t already, find those pennies and add them to your CORE+ teacher’s box.  Remember all donations will go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) to support cancer patients and cancer research.  Don’t forget that you can also sabotage other CORE+ boxes with other coins and bills that are not pennies.  The competition will run through next Thursday, March 6th, but the first round of counting will take place THIS FRIDAY.  Boxes will be emptied and counted and the CORE+ class with the most positive points this Friday will earn a prize.  Thank you for your support!


Monday, February 24th


Feb 24, 2025

7th grade girls volleyball is starting this week on Wednesday!!! Please turn in your paperwork to the main office prior to Wednesday’s practice!

This Friday is our movie afternoon! Bring your family and friends and enjoy a late afternoon in, watching “Safety” on the big screen. Be sure to turn in those CORE cards in order to have a chance at winning VIP seats and benefits. There is a special collection box for these in the main office. Remember, the movie begins at 3:45. We can’t wait to see you there! 

8th grade boys basketball players, don’t forget to wash your uniform and bring it to school tomorrow!  Bring it to Mrs. Marshall’s room after school and stay for some yummy treats.  See either of your coaches with any questions.  

Magic: The Gathering will meet today after school. 

PRIDE Leaders: Our next activity with the sixth graders will take place during CORE Plus next week. Mrs. Blake will hold two training sessions during lunch today and tomorrow. Please make arrangements to attend one of these times. If you are unable to attend, please let Mrs. Blake know so that you can receive the training at another time. Always remember… Be the PRIDE Leader today you want to be remembered in two years! 

Student Council will have their next meeting this Wednesday at 8:30 in room 3040

And now and announcement from Student Council and the Spirit Assembly

Hello Pumas, Student Council is excited to announce that we will be having a Spirit Assembly on Thursday, March 13th during our Core Plus time.  If you would like to participate in the assembly please go to Powell’s Website and click on the link to sign up to be part of the cheer team, the obstacle course, the song competition or the roly poly activity.  Please sign up by this Wednesday’s access.  

Tomorrow is the day!  Due to the snow day on Friday, we will deliver boxes to CORE+ classes today and start the Pennies for Patients Competition.  The goal is for your CORE Plus to get the most positive points in your box.  The competition will run through next Thursday, March 6th.  xs

Glee Club is tomorrow after school in the choir room! We will start our songs!

Tuesday, February 25th

 Feb 25, 2025

7th grade girls volleyball is starting tomorrow!!! Please have your paperwork turned in to the main office prior to practice beginning, preferably before school or during lunch. See you at 3:40!

Battle of the Books is today after school!  See you there!!

8th grade volleyball season opens today! Let’s pack the gym as we welcome the Newton Knights after school today. Good luck, ladies!

8th grade boys basketball players, stop by Mrs. Marshall’s room after school today to turn in your uniform and enjoy some snacks as we celebrate our season together.  It’s a great way to pass the time before you head down to support our girls volleyball team today!  

Glee club is today after school in the choir room! It is not too late to join us!

PRIDE Leaders: Our next activity with the sixth graders will take place during CORE Plus next week. Mrs. Blake will hold one last training session today at lunch. If you are unable to attend, please let Mrs. Blake know so that you can receive the training at another time. Always remember… Be the PRIDE Leader today you want to be remembered in two years! 

Student Council will have their next meeting this Wednesday at 8:30 in room 3040

And now and announcement from Student Council and the Spirit Assembly

Hello Pumas, Student Council is excited to announce that we will be having a Spirit Assembly on Thursday, March 13th during our Core Plus time.  If you would like to participate in the assembly please go to Powell’s Website and click on the link to sign up to be part of the cheer team, the obstacle course, the song competition or the roly poly activity.  Please sign up by this Wednesday’s access.  

Friday, February 21st

 Feb 21, 2025

Next week we will hold a special CORE card drawing for VIP access to our Movie Afternoon.  One lucky winner will win VIP access to the VIP Lounge for themselves and three friends along with popcorn, soda, and candy.  A second lucky winner will win VIP snacks of soda and candy.  Get your CORE cards in!  The drawing will be held on Wednesday, February 26.  There is a special collection box for this drawing in the main office.  

Attention 7th Grade Volleyball Girls! We have less than a week until our first practice!! Keep getting that paperwork in and fees paid to Ms. Cook in the main office. All items must be turned in before practice on the 26th. 

8th grade boys basketball players, mark your calendars for our end of season celebration and uniform turn in date.  This will take place on Tuesday after school in Mrs. Marshall’s room.  Be sure to wash your jersey over the weekend!  We will turn in our uniforms, enjoy some snacks and reflect on our season.  See you Tuesday!

Magic: The Gathering will meet after school next Monday. Set your deck, refine your strategy, and join us in Mrs. Blake’s room for some fantastic competition!

PRIDE Leaders: Our next activity with the sixth graders will take place during CORE Plus next week. Mrs. Blake will hold two training sessions during lunch on Monday and Tuesday. Please make arrangements to attend one of these times. If you are unable to attend, please let Mrs. Blake know so that you can receive the training at another time. Always remember… Be the PRIDE Leader today you want to be remembered in two years! 

Thursday, February 20th

 Feb 20, 2025

8th Grade students attending Heritage High School next year, please remember to complete your Course Registration on Infinite Campus by February 21.

Have you seen the posters around school?? That is right, our movie afternoon is on February 28. The movie, “Safety”, begins at 3:45. Be sure to save up your CORE cards and have them turned in to have a chance at VIP seats & benefits. There is a special collection box for these in the main office. Looking forward to seeing you there! 

Because of the weather, there will not be soccer club today after school. 

Attention 7th Grade Volleyball Girls! We have less than a week until our first practice!! Keep getting that paperwork in and fees paid to Ms. Cook in the main office. All items must be turned in before practice on the 26th. 

8th grade boys basketball players, it’s time to celebrate the great season we had.  Please meet in Mrs. Marshall’s room after school on Tuesday, February 25th to turn in your jerseys and enjoy some sweet treats.  Make sure that you wash your uniforms before you turn them in!  Please see Coach Altena or Coach Marshall with any questions.  

Do you know anyone in your family who has or has had cancer?  Next week NJHS will be hosting their annual Pennies for Patients drive starting next Monday, February 24th to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society with cancer research and patient support.  This will be a penny war competition amongst our CORE Plus classes.  Each teacher will have a box in their CORE+ class to collect donations.  Pennies go in your own box for positive points, but watch out!  Other students can add other coins and bills to your box to sabotage you as well!  The past two winners have been Mrs. Donda in 2024 and Mrs. Toland in 2023.  Let’s see if these winners will win again or if a new CORE+ will take the title this year!

Magic: The Gathering will meet after school next Monday. Set your deck, refine your strategy, and join us in Mrs. Blake’s room for some fantastic competition!

PRIDE Leaders: Our next activity with the sixth graders will take place during CORE Plus next week. Mrs. Blake will hold two training sessions during lunch on Monday and Tuesday. Please make arrangements to attend one of these times. If you are unable to attend, please let Mrs. Blake know so that you can receive the training at another time. Always remember… Be the PRIDE Leader today you want to be remembered in two years! 

Wednesday, February 19th

 Feb 19, 2025 

8th Grade students attending Heritage High School next year, please remember to complete your Course Registration on Infinite Campus by February 21.

Attention 7th Grade Volleyball Girls! We have 1 week until our first practice!! Keep getting that paperwork in and fees paid to Ms. Cook in the main office. All items must be turned in before practice on the 26th. 

Because of the weather, there will not be soccer club tomorrow after school. 

Attention cast for “How to Get Away with a Murder Mystery,” your rehearsal for today, February 19 has been cancelled. NO play rehearsal on today. 

Tuesday, February 18th

 Feb 18, 2025

8th Grade students attending Heritage High School next year, please remember to complete your Course Registration on Infinite Campus by February 21.

Did someone say movie afternoon?? On February 28, Powell will be hosting our 2nd movie afternoon, featuring “Safety”. The movie begins at 3:45. Concessions will be available and all proceeds go toward the thespian troupe. This is an afternoon you will not want to miss!

This is a reminder that there is no Glee Club after school this week. Our first Glee rehearsal will be Tuesday, February 25th in the choir room. For more questions see Ms. Bates and Mrs. Martinez.

Are you interested in doing tech for the school play? There is a sign up sheet for interviews that will take place next Wednesday, February 26. Don’t wait! Once all the time slots are filled, you will have to wait to join next year!

Attention all 8th grade boys who played basketball for Powell this year. Again, that’s all 8th grade boys you were on ANY basketball team at Powell, your yearbook staff neglected to take a team photo for the yearbook. Be prepared to gather during lunch today for a quick team photo. 

Attention cast for How to Get Away with a Murder Mystery, your rehearsal for this Wednesday, February 19 has been cancelled. NO play rehearsal on Wednesday. 

Attention NJHS Students - you have a mandatory meeting before school tomorrow - see Google Classroom or Mrs. Donda for more details.  We will be spending time this week getting ready for our Pennies for Patients drive. Please check out the sign up sheet on Mrs. Donda’s door to help with a specific task this week. 

There will be no Battle of The Books today

Friday, February 14th

 Feb 14, 2025

Hey Powell Pumas!

Who likes a good movie? Who enjoys hanging out with their family and friends? Who likes snacks, drinks, and all the candy you can eat? Well, if you answered yes to any of the above then get ready to attend Powell’s movie afternoon on February 28th,  featuring “Safety”!  The movie begins at 3:45. See signs around the school for what to bring and get your core cards turned in to have a chance at VIP seats & benefits. There is a special collection box for these in the main office. Can’t wait to see you there! 

Hey Students, you will be able to write Friendship notes at lunch today.  Tell the people in your life how much you appreciate them.

Thursday, February13th

 Feb 13, 2025

Reminder that we will not be having Basketball Club tomorrow.  We will see you again next week!

8th grade girls volleyball starts today!!! Please meet your coaches after school in the gym today, dressed and ready to play. Can’t wait to see you there!

Due to the weather, there will NOT be Soccer Club today after school.

Hey Pumas! Glee Club is today after school in choir room. Its not too late to join! We are welcoming anyone who loves to sing, dance, and play instruments! For more information about today please see Ms. Bates and Mrs. Martinez.

Last night our Unified team played Euclid here at home! All of our players did such an amazing job and we could not be more proud of them! Conlan Bailey made multiple 3 point shots, Adam Elgarbi had some pretty cool trick moves, Siahna Anderson had phenomenal form and showed up with racking up some points, Kepler Porterfield hustled down the court and dunked the ball, and last, but certainly not least, Bo Merchant made multiple baskets on the tall hoop and had an incredible positive attitude that helped our whole team! Unfortunately, it ended in a loss, but we are always winning with our positivity and fun! Great job Pumas!!

Wednesday, February 12th

Feb 12, 2025

Attention 7th grade girls interested in playing Volleyball. In case you missed the first required meeting, we will be holding another! If you already attended last week, please DO NOT come to this one. 


TIME: During 7th grade Lunch ~ 11:20 - 11:35

** Please hurry to the lunch room, buy your lunch and make your way to the gym. 

See you today! Coaches Bowlen & Altena

8th grade girls volleyball is starting tomorrow!!! Please have your paperwork turned in to the main office by tomorrow!

Mark your calendars for Friday, February 28th for Powell’s 2nd movie afternoon featuring “Safety”. The movie begins at 3:45. See signs around the school for what to bring and get your core cards turned in to have a chance at VIP seats & benefits. All students are invited - inviting your families is optional. Hope to see you there! 

Due to the weather, there will NOT be Soccer Club tomorrow after school.

We will not be holding Basketball Club this Friday, so enjoy the opportunity to sleep in a little bit!  

No Place for Hate will NOT be meeting this week. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, February 20.

Unified Basketball plays at home TODAY! Come support your Pumas at 4:30 for our one and only home game. Some say it's the best day of the year, but you wouldn’t know unless you show up! T-shirt and merch toss during ½ time! 

Hey Pumas! Do you love to sing? Do you love music? We are excited to announce Powell’s first-ever Glee Club! The first will tomorrow, after school in room 3026. Everyone is welcome to join! For more information please see Ms.Bates and Mrs.Martinez


Tuesday, February 11th

 Feb 11, 2025

Registration reminder: All 6th and 7th grade students, please remember to fill out your elective request form with your parent or guardian and get their signature by Wednesday the 12th! You will turn in your completed form on the 12th to your Access teacher. Forms without a parent or guardian signature will not be accepted. If you missed Core+ and did not receive a sheet, please come get one in the Counseling office or go see your Core+ teacher as soon as possible! 

Battle of the Books tonight after school in Mrs. Budden’s room.  Get ready to battle!

8th Grade students attending Arapahoe High School next year, please remember to complete your Academic Plan on Infinite Campus, complete the Registration Google Form, and bring your SIGNED green registration sheet to your Access class this Wednesday, February 12. 

8th Grade students attending Heritage High School next year, please remember to complete your Course Registration on Infinite Campus by February 21.

8th grade girls volleyball is starting this week on Thursday!!! If you haven’t been able to come to a pre-season meeting, we have another meeting TODAY during 8th grade lunch in the media center! Can’t wait to see you there!

Attention 7th grade girls interested in playing Volleyball. In case you missed the first required meeting, we will be holding another! If you already attended last week, please DO NOT come to this one. 


TIME: During 7th grade Lunch ~ 11:20 - 11:35

** Please hurry to the lunch room, buy your lunch and make your way to the gym. 

See you tomorrow! Coaches Bowlen & Altena

We will not be holding Basketball Club this Friday, so enjoy the opportunity to sleep in a little bit!  

Student Council our next meeting is tomorrow at 8:30 in room 3040.  See you there.

No Place for Hate will NOT be meeting this week. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, February 20.

Our one and only home Unified basketball game is Wednesday at 4:30pm! Come out to support our incredible athletes and program. T-shirt and merch toss during ½ time! Go Pumas! 

Hey Pumas! Do you love to sing? Do you love music? We are excited to announce Powell’s first-ever Glee Club! The first will be on Wednesday, February 13th after school in room 3026. Everyone is welcome to join! For more information please see Ms.Bates and Mrs.Martinez


Monday, February 10th

 Feb 10, 2025

Registration reminder: All 6th and 7th grade students, please remember to fill out your elective request form with your parent or guardian and get their signature by Wednesday the 12th! You will turn in your completed form on the 12th to your Access teacher. Forms without a parent or guardian signature will not be accepted. If you missed Core+ and did not receive a sheet, please come get one in the Counseling office or go see your Core+ teacher as soon as possible! 

8th Grade students attending Arapahoe High School next year, please remember to complete your Academic Plan on Infinite Campus, complete the Registration Google Form, and bring your SIGNED green registration sheet to your Access class this Wednesday, February 12. 

8th Grade students attending Heritage High School next year, please remember to complete your Course Registration on Infinite Campus by February 21.

8th grade girls volleyball is starting this week!!! If you haven’t been able to come to a pre-season meeting, we have another meeting tomorrow, February 11th during 8th grade lunch in the media center! Can’t wait to see you there!

Attention 7th grade girls interested in playing Volleyball. In case you missed the first required meeting, we will be holding another! If you already attended last week, please DO NOT come to this one. 

WHEN: This Wednesday, February 12th

TIME: During 7th grade Lunch ~ 11:20 - 11:35

** Please hurry to the lunch room, buy your lunch and make your way to the gym. 

See you today! Coaches Bowlen & Altena

eSports will have their first meeting today after school! Meet outside of the STEM lab.

Magic: The Gathering will meet today after school in Mrs. Blake’s room. Join us for some run competition!

Our 8th grade boys basketball teams all played in the district tournament over the weekend.  They all had a disappointing end to their season, each team coming up a little short.  Our players left everything they had on the court and we were very proud of the growth they showed throughout the season.  Stay tuned for information about uniform turn in and end of season celebration.  

Hey Pumas! Do you love to sing? Do you love music? We are excited to announce Powell’s first-ever Glee Club! The first will be on Wednesday, February 13th after school in room 3026. Everyone is welcome to join! For more information please see Ms.Bates and Mrs.Martinez

Wednesday, February 5

 Feb 5, 2025

Good Morning Pumas! A few reminders:

-NO FOOD or DRINKS outside during recess

-Recess passing period is an extra 2 minutes…please get to class on time. 

Tonight is the last night of the Littleton Public Schools district art show, where creativity meets expression. This curated event will showcase stunning works from talented artists across all Littleton Public Schools, bringing together a celebration of color, form, and imagination. The Show is at the Arapahoe Community College Art Gallery with its closing reception tonight from 5-7pm. 

This year’s Powell featured artists are:

Will Stone

Sophie Lucero

Cohen Dobbins

Aiden Long

Sergio Pinto Ortiz

7th grade boys basketball players: your uniform needs to be turned in THIS FRIDAY. Please make sure it is washed. During 7th grade lunch on Friday, after you’ve finished your food, please bring your uniform to the Media Center. We’ll have some cookies and soda as well. See you then!

Hi, my name is Kalina. I am a member of No Place for Hate. The third commitment that the pledge states is “I will encourage others to embrace who they are.” This means that everyone should embrace their identities and encourage others to embrace theirs as well. We should all be respectful of other peoples’ identities and we should never make fun of it. Today, we encourage you to learn something new about a friend, or even learn something new about someone you don’t know very well!

8th grade girls volleyball is starting next week!!! There will be a pre-season meeting on Friday, February 7th during 8th grade lunch in the media center! If you are unable to attend on Friday, don’t you worry, there will be another opportunity during lunch on Tuesday, February 11th! Can’t wait to see you there!

Hey Pumas! Do you love to sing? Do you love music? We are excited to announce Powell’s first-ever Glee Club! The first will be on Wednesday, February 13th after school in room 3026. Everyone is welcome to join! There will be posters up today for a Google Classroom code to join. For more information please see Ms.Bates

Unified Basketball participants, today is our first game at Goddard! We will meet in front of Massie’s classroom, 1031, after school. We will take a bus to Goddard, but you will need your own ride home. See you then! Go Pumas! 

No Place for Hate will take place in Ms. Boehmler’s room tomorrow after school.

Give me a W
Give me an I

Give me an L

Give me an L

Give me a G

Give me an L

Give me an E

Give me an A

Give me an S

Give me an O

Give me an N

What does that spell? Will Gleason!  Please join us in wishing Will the best of luck as he competes in the District Wide Scripps spelling bee today at the Epic Campus! Good luck, Will!

Congratulations to our 8th grade boys C team for their victory over Options Middle School.  They have secured a spot in the District Championship game this Saturday.  These guys continue to work as a team, each person knowing where they need to be and what they need to do.  Everyone stepped up to make big plays that helped us get the win.  Great game Pumas and good luck Saturday!

Friday, February 7th

 Feb 7, 2025

Registration reminder: All 6th and 7th grade students, please remember to fill out your elective request form with your parent or guardian and get their signature by Wednesday the 12th! You will turn in your completed form on the 12th to your Access teacher. Forms without a parent or guardian signature will not be accepted. If you missed Core+ and did not receive a sheet, please come get one in the Counseling office or go see your Core+ teacher as soon as possible! 

Hi, my name is Evan. I am a member of No Place for Hate. The fifth and last commitment of the pledge says, “I will educate myself and others to raise awareness about bullying, helping to create a more inclusive and understanding community.” That means that we should all be more aware about bullying, and we should help others to be more aware to build a safe school environment for everyone! Thank you for taking the time to reflect and act on our commitments this week. If you ever need a reminder, find the paw prints by Mr. Broer’s office to read the commitments again!

7th grade boys basketball players: your uniform needs to be turned in TODAY. Please make sure it is washed. During 7th grade lunch, after you’ve finished your food, please bring your uniform to the Media Center. We’ll have some cookies and soda as well. See you then!

8th grade girls volleyball is starting next week!!! There will be a pre-season meeting on TODAY during 8th grade lunch in the media center! If you are unable to attend, don’t you worry, there will be another opportunity during lunch on Tuesday, February 11th! Can’t wait to see you there!

Our 8th grade boys basketball teams played in their semi-final games last night at Euclid Middle School.  Our A team worked very hard, but wasn’t able to close the gap at the end of the game.  Jasiah Mora knocked down some very important free throws and Ryker Vancil and Ethan Van Gemert drained a few 3’s which all helped to keep us close.  Our A team will be playing tomorrow at 11:00 in the consolation bracket.  A big congratulations to our B team for coming up with an exciting win!  They will be playing in the Championship game this Saturday at 1:00.  Landon Franks came up with some huge rebounds and added an important basket for our team.  Come out and watch our boys teams play here at Powell tomorrow!  We play at 11:00, 12:00 and 1:00.  Good luck boys!

eSports will have our first meeting on Monday after school. Meet outside the STEM lab.

Thursday, February 6th

 Feb 6, 2025

Hi, my name is Rose. I am a member of  No Place for Hate. The fourth commitment in the pledge is “I will do my best to speak up for myself and for others.” We should speak up when we hear people say mean things to us and especially if someone is doing it to another kid/person. Being a bystander can be just as harmful as being a bully. Take some time to reflect on a time where you were able to stand up to someone who was being unkind, think about what you did well and what you might do differently next time!

8th grade girls volleyball is starting next week!!! There will be a pre-season meeting on Friday, February 7th during 8th grade lunch in the media center! If you are unable to attend on Friday, don’t you worry, there will be another opportunity during lunch on Tuesday, February 11th! Can’t wait to see you there!

Good luck to our 8th grade boys basketball team as they visit Euclid today for the tournament semifinals. Today’s games will determine their finals match up this Saturday at Powell. More details to come tomorrow! Let’s Go Pumas!

7th grade boys basketball players: your uniform needs to be turned in THIS FRIDAY. Please make sure it is washed. During 7th grade lunch on Friday, after you’ve finished your food, please bring your uniform to the Media Center. We’ll have some cookies and soda as well. See you then!

Hey Pumas! Do you love to sing? Do you love music? We are excited to announce Powell’s first-ever Glee Club! The first will be on Wednesday, February 13th after school. Everyone is welcome to join! There will be posters up today for a Google Classroom code to join. For more information please see Ms.Bates

No Place for Hate will take place in Ms. Boehmler’s room after school today.

D and D and photography club is in the library today after school. 

Tuesday, February 4th

 Feb 4, 2025

Hi, my name is Josiah. I am a member of No Place for Hate. The second commitment in the pledge says “I will be cautious in my words and actions because I don’t know the impact it will have with someone.” This statement means that our words hold value and if we say something that is unkind or hurtful to others, it could impact them not only for the day, but for the rest of their life. Take a moment to compliment a friend, peer, or staff member today!!

Attention all 7th grade girls interested in playing Volleyball: There will be a mandatory meeting TODAY during lunch. Please grab your lunch, or if you are buying lunch, head to the front of the line and then make your way to the gym. The meeting will start promptly at 11:15. See you soon! Coaches Bowlen & Altena

7th grade boys basketball players: your uniform needs to be turned in THIS FRIDAY. Please make sure it is washed. During 7th grade lunch on Friday, after you’ve finished your food, please bring your uniform to the Media Center. We’ll have some cookies and soda as well. See you then!

Hey Pumas! Do you love to sing? Do you love music? We are excited to announce Powell’s first-ever Glee Club! The first will be on Wednesday, February 13th after school. Everyone is welcome to join! There will be posters up today for a Google Classroom code to join. For more information please see Ms.Bates.

Good morning Pumas, I’m Gracie and I’m Lexi.  

Lexi: Welcome to Healthy Activities month!  

Gracie: As you know, this month is highlighting Healthy Activities. Lexi:These activities can help you if you are having a bad day or even if it’s just for fun. 

Gracie: These healthy activities can impact your mental health in a positive way. 

Both: Have a great day Pumas!

Unified Basketball participants, tomorrow we have our first game at Goddard! We will meet in front of Massie’s classroom, 1031, after school. We will take a bus to Goddard, but you will need your own ride home. See you then! 

Last night our 8th grade boys basketball teams finished up their regular season games against Euclid Middle School.  Despite playing behind the entire game, Jacob Carey led the team in scoring with 9 points as he remained calm, consistent and aggressive every minute he played.  King Jordan and Caleb Borquez also showed strength and hustle.  Our B team played their best game of the season so far, but came up just a couple of points short.  They made smarter passes and worked more as a team which kept them close all 4 quarters.  Gray Ferrigno was on fire both offensively and defensively.  His speed and grit caused a lot of turnovers for the Falcons.  He led the team with 8 points while Justin Arnold, Kai Budler and Leo Jurbala also made important contributions.  Our C team continues to be a fun team to watch!  Their encouragement for each other is unmatched! Jackson Kennedy and Aiden Long scored big baskets which helped the team to their victory as well as a 1st place finish in regular season play!    Good luck to our C team as they travel to Euclid to play in their semi-final game today after school!  

Monday, February 3rd

 Feb 3, 2025

Hi, my name is Avi. I am a member of No Place for Hate. No place for hate asked you all to sign a pledge in September to show your commitment to prevent bullying and make our school a more welcoming environment. Our first commitment for the pledge was “I will work hard to make sure everyone feels safe.” This means that every student should be respectful to everyone else and they should not be a bystander. Remember that the nicer you are the safer the environment will feel. Take a moment today to check in with a friend!!

Attention all 7th grade girls interested in playing Volleyball: There will be a mandatory meeting TOMORROW during lunch. Please grab your lunch, or if you are buying lunch, head to the front of the line and then make your way to the gym. The meeting will start promptly at 11:15. See you soon! Coaches Bowlen & Altena

Calling all SAGA members!  Today is the day!  Come join us in room 1041 after school for time to connect.  This is a student led group.  Come be a part of SAGA.  See you in room 1041 TODAY!

This week is National School Counselors Week! Be sure to thank Mrs. Christensen and Ms. Valerio if you see them this week for all the hard work they do to help our school!

The results for eSports tryouts are up and hanging on Mr. Altena’s and Ms. Boehmler’s room. Our first meeting will be next Monday, February 10 after school in the STEM lab. Congratulations to all who made the team!

Teachers, your BINGO word of the day is…  PINK