Tuesday, February 18th

 Feb 18, 2025

8th Grade students attending Heritage High School next year, please remember to complete your Course Registration on Infinite Campus by February 21.

Did someone say movie afternoon?? On February 28, Powell will be hosting our 2nd movie afternoon, featuring “Safety”. The movie begins at 3:45. Concessions will be available and all proceeds go toward the thespian troupe. This is an afternoon you will not want to miss!

This is a reminder that there is no Glee Club after school this week. Our first Glee rehearsal will be Tuesday, February 25th in the choir room. For more questions see Ms. Bates and Mrs. Martinez.

Are you interested in doing tech for the school play? There is a sign up sheet for interviews that will take place next Wednesday, February 26. Don’t wait! Once all the time slots are filled, you will have to wait to join next year!

Attention all 8th grade boys who played basketball for Powell this year. Again, that’s all 8th grade boys you were on ANY basketball team at Powell, your yearbook staff neglected to take a team photo for the yearbook. Be prepared to gather during lunch today for a quick team photo. 

Attention cast for How to Get Away with a Murder Mystery, your rehearsal for this Wednesday, February 19 has been cancelled. NO play rehearsal on Wednesday. 

Attention NJHS Students - you have a mandatory meeting before school tomorrow - see Google Classroom or Mrs. Donda for more details.  We will be spending time this week getting ready for our Pennies for Patients drive. Please check out the sign up sheet on Mrs. Donda’s door to help with a specific task this week. 

There will be no Battle of The Books today