Feb 11, 2025
Registration reminder: All 6th and 7th grade students, please remember to fill out your elective request form with your parent or guardian and get their signature by Wednesday the 12th! You will turn in your completed form on the 12th to your Access teacher. Forms without a parent or guardian signature will not be accepted. If you missed Core+ and did not receive a sheet, please come get one in the Counseling office or go see your Core+ teacher as soon as possible!
Battle of the Books tonight after school in Mrs. Budden’s room. Get ready to battle!
8th Grade students attending Arapahoe High School next year, please remember to complete your Academic Plan on Infinite Campus, complete the Registration Google Form, and bring your SIGNED green registration sheet to your Access class this Wednesday, February 12.
8th Grade students attending Heritage High School next year, please remember to complete your Course Registration on Infinite Campus by February 21.
8th grade girls volleyball is starting this week on Thursday!!! If you haven’t been able to come to a pre-season meeting, we have another meeting TODAY during 8th grade lunch in the media center! Can’t wait to see you there!
Attention 7th grade girls interested in playing Volleyball. In case you missed the first required meeting, we will be holding another! If you already attended last week, please DO NOT come to this one.
TIME: During 7th grade Lunch ~ 11:20 - 11:35
** Please hurry to the lunch room, buy your lunch and make your way to the gym.
See you tomorrow! Coaches Bowlen & Altena
We will not be holding Basketball Club this Friday, so enjoy the opportunity to sleep in a little bit!
Student Council our next meeting is tomorrow at 8:30 in room 3040. See you there.
No Place for Hate will NOT be meeting this week. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, February 20.
Our one and only home Unified basketball game is Wednesday at 4:30pm! Come out to support our incredible athletes and program. T-shirt and merch toss during ½ time! Go Pumas!
Hey Pumas! Do you love to sing? Do you love music? We are excited to announce Powell’s first-ever Glee Club! The first will be on Wednesday, February 13th after school in room 3026. Everyone is welcome to join! For more information please see Ms.Bates and Mrs.Martinez