Thursday, Nov 21st

Thursday, Nov 21st

Attention all Pumas, the district wrestling finals will be held at Newton today. Wish our wrestlers good luck, and head to Newton to watch them battle if you can! Also, it's the last game of the regular season for your 8th grade girls basketball team, so show up to our gym today to cheer them on as they host the Euclid Falcons.

All 6th Grade students that were in Mrs. Gaston 6th Grade Metals/STEM class MUST pick up your projects from first quarter before Thanksgiving Break.

Attn ALL NJHS MEMBERS.......We need your wrapping paper! Gifts for Meals on Wheels can NOT be wrapped without it; please bring in 1-2 rolls NO LATER THAN December 2nd..that is the Monday after Thanksgiving Break. Thank you!!! If you have already brought in your paper, thank you! Please continue to check Google Classroom for updates regarding wrapping.