Thursday - April 15th
Students and Staff,
Student council will be having a canned food drive and hat day next Wednesday, April 21. If you bring in a can of food you may wear a hat that day. Please see posters around the building for specifics.
Student Council Members, we will be having our next meeting Wednesday, April 21st. Please see your email for a message from Mrs. Sheets.
Listen up all P.E. students from 1st semester! Since you were not given the chance to test, due to Covid sending us home in November, we are offering you the chance to make TOP 10!
If you would like to test for the Plank and/or Push-Ups, PLEASE come down during CORE+ tomorrow, Friday, April 16th. This is the only day we are doing this. NO MORE TESTING AFTER 3pm
8th grade - attend at the BEGINNING of CORE+
6th & 7th - attend AFTER you complete your registration.
In order to come on Friday:
You need to be able to perform a 3 minute or longer plank.
You need to be able to perform 25 or more push-ups.
See you tomorrow!
8th graders headed to Heritage next year:
Liberty Belles Poms and Dance Program has auditions coming up on May 1st. There is a Pre-tryout clinic this Saturday and a mandatory parent/dancer meeting on April 21st. Check out the Heritage Athletics website for more details!
8th graders headed to Arapahoe next year:
Freshman Registration Nights are next week in person on Monday and Thursday. There are two sessions each night and sessions are organized alphabetically by last name. Visit the Arapahoe website for more information and contact the Arapahoe Counseling Office with questions.
April brings National Poetry Month and we are recognizing some memorable poems during our announcements.
Today is also Jackie Robinson Day - the anniversary of Robinson's historic MLB debut as he broke baseball's color barrier. Here is a poem for Jackie:
Made It Big Time
When Jackie was a boy,
Balls were his toy.
Tennis, football, baseball and more.
He could play more than four!
Jackie finally made it big time.
But he was treated like he did a crime.
Because he was black and great,
He was teased by his teammates.
Jackie didn't fight back at their fun.
He chose courage and hit a home run!
Enjoy today's haiku.
You think you're big.
With your fancy little words.
This is not so hard.