I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream - especially when it is dished up by Powell staff members. Come join us next Thursday, May 12, from 4:30-5:50 for the Student Appreciation Ice Cream Social located on the concrete by the basketball courts. Have your parents complete the RSVP that went home last Wednesday, May 4, to let us know you’re attending. We need the RSVP completed by 3:00 tomorrow!
Student Council we will have our last meeting of the year this Wednesday at 9:15 in room 3040
Attention all Pumas! If you would like to purchase a yearbook, you may do so by bringing $45 to the office. Your name will go on the waitlist. There are limited quantities available, so don't miss your chance to get your copy of the award-winning The Prowl Yearbook.
Attention NJHS students - we will meet in Mrs. Donda's room TODAY after school for our outdoor service project. Bring your own pair of gloves and/or a rake to use if possible.
Fitness Final Students: Don't forget to sign up for the Partner Pacer tutorial if you have qualified!
Remember it has been moved to this Thursday, May 12th.
Heads up, Pumas! There will be 3 jugs in the cafeteria today through Friday to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Please add money to your specific grade level’s jug. All donations go towards LLS and the winning grade level will have a prize during lunch next week. So, instead of buying an extra cookie at lunch, donate to cancer research and help local kids!