Monday, Dec 4th

Monday, Dec 4th

Attention NJHS Members -
Please plan to meet in Mrs. Donda's room at lunch TODAY to wrap up our dental drive. Students - please deliver any final dental drive items to your CORE+ teachers this morning so that we can calculate our final points. Thank you all for your support!

Our 8th-grade girls basketball teams deserve a huge shout-out for their outstanding performances in the district championships this past weekend. Their intensity, focus, and hard work were something to see. Both teams easily played their best games of the whole season and we couldn't be more proud of them! Congratulations on a season full of growth and fun! Please remember to bring your washed uniforms to Mrs. Marshall's room at our end-of-season party on Thursday after school.

Homework club is canceled today, Monday, December 4th. Students, please make sure you make arrangements and have a way home after school today. Have a great day!