Wednesday, December 20th

Wednesday, Dec 20th

Are you missing your winter coat, water bottle, lunch box, or anything else? Take a look in the lunch room lost and found. If you are missing glasses, earbuds, jewelry, or other valuables please check in the front office. You have until Friday to claim any of your missing items. Any items remaining over winter break will be donated.

Once again, it;s time for musical Clue #5:
Clue #4 from yesterday, PLUS the poisoned fruit given to Snow White.

There’s a musical workshop tomorrow for ANYONE interested in auditions or tech for our musical. If you’re just maybe thinking about it, don’t miss the details on how to join the biggest show at Powell!

Attention students. Homework Club is canceled this evening. Please make sure you have a way home after school today. Once again, Homework Club is canceled today, Wednesday December 20th.

In culinary news, our 8th grade boys cooked last night in their games against Goddard.

Nash McMonigle and Merrick Franks led the A team with 10 points each while Cole Troupe crashed the boards to grab 6 rebounds. The whole team played tough defense and got a combined 20 steals and won the game 50-13. Fantastic start to the season A team.

Our B team turned up the heat in the second half to beat Goddard 22-6. Matthew Reynolds scored a team high 10 points while Kaiden Vaughn was a defensive beast. His ability to be everywhere on the court led to several steals and rebounds. Cayden Whitney brought a spark to the offense and had two baskets at key moments of the game.

Our C team completed the sweep with their commanding victory. Some highlights include Caleb Wright's back to back 3 pointers, Henry Smith's 5 steals, Gabe Mendoza's amazing poise and Christian Flores dominating the rebounds.

Be sure to come out and watch our 8th grade boys when we come back in January!