Mar 3, 2025
Attention Powell Students: We have seen an increase in concerning student behavior with substitute teachers. Guest teachers will now have the opportunity to write referrals for poor behavior choices. When your class has a substitute, please remember to represent yourself, your teachers, and Powell in a positive way.
This week is National School Social Workers Week! Be sure to thank Ms. Perry when you see her this week for all the hard work she does to help our school!
Student council members will have another meeting this Wednesday as we get ready for the spirit assembly. Please meet in room 3040 at 8:30.
If you are a part of the spirit assembly please and you received a release form, please return it by Wednesday to Mrs. Marshall or Mrs. Sheets
Attention techies! If you were selected to be on our tech crew for the play, your first rehearsal is today. Make plans to be on the stage after school from 3:35-4:45. Also look at the full rehearsal schedule on the call board door like you were asked to do during your interview.
The first round of donations for our Pennies for Patients drive have been counted. We have already collected almost 8000 pennies in our first round and we still have a week to go. Keep those donations coming!
The first round winner is Ms. Boehmler’s CORE+. Congratulations! Boxes will be collected tomorrow, Tuesday March 4th, as well as Monday March 10th. Teachers: Check your inbox for access to the master document with the totals of each CORE Plus class.