Tuesday, November 11/29
Come support our 8th grade girls basketball teams as they welcome Euclid after school today!
Wednesday Morning Basketball is canceled this Wednesday. See you next week!
Congratulations to Chloe Anrold for being Powell's school winner in the Sertoma Club Freedom Essay Contest! Chloe's essay was selected by this year's judges among over 30 submissions from Powell 8th graders. She has won $100 dollars for her fine work, and she will be honored alongside other school winners at the Freedom Week banquet in February. Well done, Chloe!
MathCounts will meet tomorrow, 11/30, after school in Mrs. Donda's room. We are always open to new members if you want to join us.
NJHS will have an optional meeting TODAY at lunch in Mrs. Donda's room. Come earn hours and help us plan our next event.
Attention all wrestlers, your end of season party will be this Thursday after school in Coach Sprague's room. Bring your own beverages, but see Coach Sprague about the pizza order by Wednesday. Also, bring your clean singlet, headgear to get your deposit checks back. See Coaches Sprague or Ennis with any questions.