Wednesday, November 9th
Thespian Troupe meeting is TODAY on the stage at 4pm. If you are attending ThesCon, you need to attend or see Mrs. Enley in room 1057 if you can't make it, again this meeting is only for Thespians going to state. YOU MUST HAVE YOUR PAYMENT AND KNOW WHAT PIECE YOU ARE DOING IN ORDER TO SIGN UP. If you can not attend the meeting and need to sign up for state, please see Mrs. Enley ASAP.
Next week our bellies will be full and our souls full of gratitude as we enjoy some delicious chili and good times with family and friends at the 5th annual chili cook off? Last day to RSVP is this Thursday, the 10th. Please visit the Powell Website under the “Announcements” section to fill in the RSVP form. We look forward to our largest turn out in Powell history!
Missing your water bottle, folder, or jacket? Check the cart in the cafeteria. If you are missing something like a phone, jewelry, glasses, or another valuable item then check in the front office. Make sure you claim your items by next Friday because any items remaining in lost & found will be donated.